Tuesday, August 4, 2009

RAT race for CAT......

Note: Please forgive any grammatical mistake and give suggestions for improvements.

Charles Darwin once, had given the theory of evolution which caused a revolution in early 19th century. The same theory applies on ‘RAT race for CAT’.

In childhood days, my old grandma, usually narrated me the story of CAT and RAT. It was believed (still some nincompoops believe) that cats and rats were always against each other. They could never tolerate each other. It was like they were the true enemy, ever born, living and moving on earth. It was impossible for them, to even face each other for a nanosecond. Also, in my grandma Cat always chases the Rat, and the poor Rat always ran to save his life.

But these days, Charles’s theory has good influence on modern CAT and RAT. Modern 21th century’s RAT’s are quiet smart, now days they chase the poor CAT.

Modern CAT is not that of old day’s type, it has evolved and assumed to be the only path for success, growth, prosperity, etc. Nowadays, CAT does not chase RAT but RAT themselves dies for CAT.

It is not surprising that today every RAT is in the race for CAT.

I could have concluded this but my notion of writing this is to, force the readers to think , in what race they are?, and conclude this themselves.

Hope , any how ,I am able to convey my message.

Good luck to me...



  1. I am confused .... It is too complex for me...

  2. Correction-Also, in grandma ------ cat, put story there :)
    Rest, yeah rat race is important for cat :)
    Cat sucks, actually all classroom programs suck

  3. The idea is very clearly conveyed and this time nice writing too :)
