Saturday, December 5, 2009

Inflation : Part 1

There are many definitions given on inflation by many experts, economists.
We usually see many debates, programs, chats among economists which are aired fluently on many news channels. A lot of sessions has been discussed or rather say, wasted in parliament to sort out, to move out the cause of inflation.

Some say, inflation is when prices continue to creep upward, usually as a result of overheated econ………..blah blah……….n the market chasing too few opportunities. Usually wages creep upwards, also, so that companies can ……. blah blah ………., the wages creep upwards more slowly than do the prices, so that your sta……..blah blah…...
There are many other definitions in air but there were some real experiences which actually show what inflation is.
During my last visit to my home town in the month of November, I got to know the real meaning of inflation and its effects

It was early morning with little cold breeze and the nature was blooming, I was standing at my shop looking around for the customers to make out money. On the other side, people on their bicycles, autos, rickshaws, own vehicles were going to find some work to feed their families in the night.

Suddenly, an incident happened which attracts me to the busy road. A poor fellow was coming out of a “TATA MAGIC” with a box full of his day meal, felt down and all his chapattis and pickles and whatever was present in the meal box. The whole mess was lying on an open road with lot of dust, dung, shit, pukes, and whatever worst that could be stuck to those chapattis got stuck but what shocked me that poor fellow picked up that messy mess and clean it with his clothes and put back in the box and moved out happily.

Thing that I came to know, he did not pick that food because of some love to food nor it was his dear mother or loving wife affection in that but he did so to feed himself, to work for his family to feed them.
Here, I came to know the real impact of inflation, that how a 27 year old working man is not able to buy an extra meal and at last, he had feed himself on that mess only.

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